I have modified the Health Monitoring and Recovery test and included CheckLHC.exe to monitor Local Host Cache (LHC) health.
Local Host Cache - CheckLHC.exe
Check Local Host Cache performs an integrity and consistency test on the local Citrix Presentation Server’s
local host cache (LHC). The integrity check ensures that the data stored in the LHC is not corrupted while the consistency check ensures no duplicate LHC entries. These operations are similar to those in other Presentation Server utilities found in DSCheck and DSVerify.
Because this test can be CPU intensive, it is recommended to use a longer test interval of 12 hours (43,200 seconds) while keeping default values for the test threshold and timeout.
You have to download
HMR Test Pak from
http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX123197 and then install the package. The CheckLHC.exe will be stored in the following location (on 32 bit server):
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\HealthMon\Tests\Citrix\CheckLHC.exe"
Now use Health Monitoring & Recovery from the farm property to add CheckLHC test.
HMR ErrorOn Citrix Access Management Console I got the following error:
On investingating, I found the following Application error in Event Viewer.
This issue starts to occur after installing the latest Health Monitoring and Recovery Test Pack because of missing permissions on certain registry keys and NTFS folders or files on your XenApp Server. For the Local Host Cache Health Monitoring and Recovery test to run successfully there are registry, directory, and file permission that need to have the Local Service account added with specific permissions. Without these permission set correctly you will continue to see this issue.
Citrix has provided a utility (LHCTestAclsUtil.exe) in the Health Monitoring and Recovery Test Pack to add these permissions to your XenApp servers automatically.
When you first install the Health Monitoring and Recovery Test Pack on a XenApp Server the (LHCTestAclsUtil.exe) executable is added to that server in one of the following locations depending on your Operating System Architecture:
For 64-bit location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\System32\LHCTestAclsUtil.exe
For 32-bit location:
C:\Program Files\Citrix\System32\LHCTestAclsUtil.exe
To run open Command Prompt, go to the specified location and run LHCTestAclsUtil.exe.
When the utility asks whether or not the user is willing to allow these setting changes, specify Y for yes to accept and add Local Service account Read/Write access and complete the setup. As shown below:
Once the utility completes and the above permissions have been set correctly, you should see a new message in the Application Event Log on your server which specifies that the LHC test successfully ran and passed and is now assumed to be in a passing state.